Hasn’t it often occurred to you that why things are so expensive in Australia? Even when you factor in the 10% GST, the shipping cost, the distribution cost, etc it is still far more expensive buying gadgets in Australia than from Hong Kong, Singapore or the US of A, especially when AUD to USD exchange […]
Review: JetForce Deluxe Vacuum Cleaner from Daily Deals
If you are thinking of getting a vacuum cleaner, let me give you the verdict first. JetForce Deluxe Bagless Vacuum Cleaner from Daily Deals is a fine piece of machineary that is good value for money, and its powerful suction power and included turbo head should have no problem keeping your house clean. However, personally […]
Billion 7401VGP ADSL2+ Router Review
A few weeks ago I wrote about that I was in need of a new wireless access point, where I hinted about getting a Billion BiPAC 7401VGP ADSL2+ Router to replace my whole networking rig. I ended up putting my pre-order in, as the item was only available on 23rd of February. Bought mine from […]