Price USA Review – Totally Awesome

scotty on 29/04/2008 at 6:12 pm, filed under Website

Hasn’t it often occurred to you that why things are so expensive in Australia? Even when you factor in the 10% GST, the shipping cost, the distribution cost, etc it is still far more expensive buying gadgets in Australia than from Hong Kong, Singapore or the US of A, especially when AUD to USD exchange rate has been hovering above $0.90 for the last two months. Looking at all the deals posted at SlickDeals or FatWallet is almost suicidal (yeah, you really wish to kill yourself). Like these deals posted at ProBargain Hunters — 46″ Philip High-Def 1080p LCD TV for around $800 AUD?! Shoot me now please!

Not only are we missing out all the nice deals, many are actually inaccessible to us Aussies because merchants in US won’t post overseas nor accepting overseas credit cards. I really wanted a PayPal Mastercard, but even that won’t guarantee online stores to make the delivery across the Pacific.

Price USA comes to rescue.

PriceUSA Logo Price USA is like a mail forwarding service (for good comparison, check this post at Never Shopped Out) but it takes care everything for you, including ordering the goods, receiving and forwarding it to Australia. It is an Australian company based in Victoria, and it charges you

  1. Item price
  2. Delivery cost to their US agent
  3. Delivery cost from US to Australia
  4. Order fee of AUD$10 or 5%, whichever is more

As for (1), searching through US-based deal sites and coupon sites will get you great price, and Price USA can even do rebates for you. You can also find many online stores can deliver to US addresses for free so (2) is eliminated. Price USA uses USPS with no additional charges for packing or handling so (3) is minimised. I think for (4) it is really fair and very competitive when you compare with other mail forwarding services. At the end it means — great bargain for us Aussies!

Line6 TonePort GX I actually first heard of Price USA from this discussion thread at Whirlpool. I wasn’t really paying any attention until a few weeks ago when I wanted to buy a guitar to USB interface to make it easier for me to play quietly in my study room. After reading a few reviews and I made up my mind on a Line 6 TonePort GX (for the software reason along — Line 6 amp emu rocks). However, most Australian shops sell them for $120+ not including delivery, whereas a few US-based retailers sell them for less than USD$50 + free shipping!

Price USA Order Form So guess where I ended up buying from? Price USA! Putting in an order is pretty straight forward — put in your details, the item you want, the price, and shipping method from US to Australia, and it calculates the final price for you. Submit, and someone will verify the order to produce a final quote. You then just have to pay Price USA with either direct deposit or PayPal (at 10% rather than 5% fee), and sit back waiting for your new gadgets to arrive, as Price USA will notify you with any process.

Here is the time line for my order — Line 6 TonePort GX from

  • 14 April 13:19 — order submitted.
  • 14 April 13:26 — final quote received.
  • 15 April 11:11 — payment received (via Internet direct deposit into their CommBank account).
  • 16 April 01:17 — order placed at Amazon.
  • 21 April 09:53 — order received & delivered by US agent.
  • 28 April 14:30 — order arrived at my office in Sydney!

2 weeks turn around time — not bad at all! Moreover it costs me $83.93 delivered, which is $40-$50 cheaper than buying it in Australia. Too bad I will be too busy this week to actually play with it and I won’t be able to write any review on the TonePort itself, but thumbs up to Price USA for their great service!

It does completely change the game of bargain hunting here in Australia. OzBargain was created for the Australian shoppers to share great deals they’ve found, as most posted online were US-based. You can now go to FatWallet or NewEgg and hunt down the same item way cheaper than how much it is sold in Australia, and then easily place an order through Price USA.

Well. All the best with Price USA, and I am sure it won’t be my last order :)


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