Do Survey, get $100 off coupon from Sony

scotty on 25/08/2006 at 11:46 pm, filed under Coupon

Michegianni wrote in this morning to tell us about this great deal. Yo there’s another mad deal going on. If you fill out this survey. You get a $100 coupon code for anything on as long as you spend over $300. Meaning you can get a $329 PSP for $229. I already did the […]

Free Calls from CommuniTel

scotty on 25/05/2006 at 12:06 am, filed under Uncategorized

Encountered a new concept the other day — do surveys and get free calls! CommuniTel is a new telecommunication company that provides override code for national/international/mobile calls on the cheap. You can choose between pre-paid and post-paid, and you just need to dial the override code (1428) before dialing the phone number. Rates are much […]