Get Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate for $75, Legally!

scotty on 28/02/2007 at 11:33 pm, filed under General

Thanks to maria for posting at OzBargain. Microsoft Australia has a special university student offer on Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate — only $75 for life-time license, or $25 for one-year license, if you are a current enrolled student. Microsoft have even set up a website about it — Don’t worry about that dodgy looking […]

Where can I buy cheap Windows Vista?

scotty on 30/01/2007 at 10:27 pm, filed under Uncategorized

The long-waited operating system from our overlords in Redmond has just been released, today! Yes, I am talking about Windows Vista, which should have been released world-wide on the 30th of January. Now I am pretty sure everyone wants to have their hands on a copy to experience the “wow” factor. So after upgrading your […]

Free Opera Browser (24 hours only)

scotty on 31/08/2005 at 3:33 pm, filed under Uncategorized

Opera Browser is turning 10, and it is giving away free registration code at its birthday party! And that includes all its platforms — Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris and Mac. Go register, and follow the instruction to download Opera 8 and turn it ads-free! Better be hurry, as the offer is time-limited. Opera is a […]