First of all, let me give a big thanks to Danilo @ ShoppingSquare for sponsoring OzBargain’s weekly competition for the next few weeks. We have been running our weekly comps since February 2007, and has given out thousands of dollars so far. From this Thursday onwards (4 June 2009), instead of getting our regular $20 […]
Win Kingston 8GB DataTraveler from ShoppingSquare – OzBargain Weekly Comp
Kingston 4GB USB Drive $17 Delivered from ShoppingSquare
One of the best deal posted yesterday — Kingston DataTraveler USB Drive $1 Postage from ShoppingSquare, which brought their 4GB version as low as $16.95 delivered. It’s also great to see a bit of “competition” over there at OzBargain. We have Deals Direct offering the same drive at $22.95 + free delivery. Then Top Buy […]