OzBargain got a mention on BRAN Podcast!

scotty on 03/10/2007 at 9:01 pm, filed under OzBargain

I am totally flattered when I learnt that OzBargain was mentioned on the BRAN podcast. BRAN is a like TWiT for the Australians, where three journalists Roulla Yiacoumi, Angus Kidman and Nathan Taylor chatted about the big tech news of the week. The only person that I actually recognise is Angus as I have been a long-time subscriber of APC Magazine. It is in Episode #65 which was published two weeks ago. The discussion on OzBargain starts at around 26m:02s and finishes at around 27m:29s.

Nathan> I really want to bring up a great concept site that I found this week. There is a site called OzBargain.com.au, and it is essentially a digg for great shopping bargain…

Wow! Then they talked about the problems they had on OzBargain where reported price is different from the price on the linked site — I guess that’s what happened when you miss out a sale :) Also as each user can either vote or “bury” (make negative vote) any published deal, hopefully the good ones will stay at top and dodgy spammy ones will go into the void.

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