Threat of the Day

scotty on 20/09/2011 at 6:08 pm, filed under OzBargain

Well. Running OzBargain I am getting threats all the time. Quite a few threatened to sue and one death threat — but I am trying to avoid them as much as I possibly can. Anyway, got a new threat today in the form of a Report — one disgruntled merchant didn’t like his “deals” getting negged and he was at the point of closing down his Internet presence. The Report goes like this (against his own deal post).

Derogtory and a lie I am in Australia I expect both my threads completely deleted or I am reporting you to ic3 and AFP for illegal cookie stuffing

The problem is — both of his threads have indeed been unpublished so only the moderators and he can see them. So he might be thinking it’s viewable by everyone because he can still see all the negative comments.


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