September-October Weekly Competition Sponsor –

scotty on 02/09/2009 at 6:33 pm, filed under OzBargain

It has been a long time since I last blogged here (Wow, THREE months ago!). My involvement at OzBargain has been gradually changing. Due to other commitment (i.e. “work”, d’oh) I no longer have much time to sit down and write some stuff. How I used my spare time has also changed from talking about the latest bargains, to managing a community that talks about bargains. I am still hanging there (just) and some new features are still planned for this year. Stay tuned for those — and sorry about the waiting :)

My last post was about ShoppingSquare sponsoring OzBargain in our weekly competitions. Over the last thirteen weeks ShoppingSquare has been giving out 2x 8GB USB Drive each week. Big thanks to Danilo and team at ShoppingSquare.

Upcoming Sponsor But we have a slight change of sponsor this week., another Sydney-based online retailer, will be providing us the prizes for the next two months (September to October 2009). And the prize? Digital Photo Frame with 1.5 Inch LCD that is sold on for $29.95. Again — two winners each week, one with most votes and the other one randomly picked. Big thanks to Max at TopBuy.

Digital Photo Frame from

How do I Sponsor OzBargain’s Weekly Competition?

This is actually one of the frequently asked questions. After all, let’s face it — while we do thank the sponsors for their generosity, they do get something out of the sponsorship. First of all their name and website gets mentioned here on this blog. Moreover, sponsors are featured on the sidebar of OzBargain, with their logo and a direct link to their website for the duration of their sponsorship. They are visible on almost all page views — and we are talking about 2.9 million page views there from August 2009.

With overwhelming requests from various merchants trying to tap into “cheap advertising”, I decided to add a section on OzBargain wiki on how to sponsor our weekly competition.

First of all, it would be a queue on the first come and first serve basis. As you can see the November-December spot has already been occupied by (they have given me a few options and I have not yet decided). Feel free to contact me with your choice of prize, and I will pick the best offers and add them onto the queue. Next available spot is January next year.

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