PayPal’s Father’s Day Offers

scotty on 26/08/2008 at 11:42 pm, filed under Uncategorized For those who are not familiar with, it is basically a PayPal promotion site, listing merchants/online retailers that offer PayPal as a payment method, and their current specials if you make a purchase with PayPal. Throughout the year special offers are usually matched up with the holidays. Some retailers might give you free delivery, and some might give you a special discount or gifts when you pay with PayPal. It’s a site to check regularly (although PayPal does send you an email every time they have updated the website — a few days later). We also usually post PayPal related deals at OzBargain with the “PayPal” tag.

Father’s Day is coming (7 September this year), and PayPal too has pushed their affiliated merchants with these deals:

More can be found at Remember — not all dads like power-tools, BBQ gears or engine oils (typical stereo-typing gifts for Father’s Day). I’ll take gadgets from those department stores any day :)

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