Price Breakthrough – 42in/106cm Plasma TV for under $1,000

scotty on 18/10/2007 at 10:17 am, filed under General

While browsing through the latest Harvey Norman catalogue online, I spotted this on page 11:

Celestial 106cm Plasma TV for $999

It reads Price Breakthrough — Plasma TV below $1,000. Indeed, thanks to advancement in technology, manufacturing, the strong Aussie dollar and cheap Chinese labour and currency, Harvey Norman is now selling this 106 cm/42 inch “HD ready” plasma TV, branded “Celestial”, for merely $999! Those 42 inch beast used to cost 10 times the price! They were so expensive 4 years ago that even John Howard had to borrow one! Yes I know that there were only expensive brands like Sony and Panasonic back then, but I am still fascinated on how quick the price has dropped.

AWA 106cm Plasma TV for $998 Apparently Harvey Norman is not the only one that breaks through the price. Actually if you find things sell this cheap in HN — you will probably find them cheaper elsewhere. Yesterday the new Big W catalogue came out, and the catchy item on the front page? AWA 42 inch/106cm Plasma TV for $998, and it is an everyday price, not even a promotional item. The same deal — High Definition ready, HDMI input, 1024×768 good for 720p, and good brightness and contrast that you normally get from plasma TVs.

It also emphasised “Made in Korea”, which I guess Big W is trying to distinguish it from other Chinese-made products.

Who said big plasma TV is a luxury item?


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