Free Watch from, Exclusive to OzBargain
Thanks to thanatos who posted this deal on OzBargain, (one of the few auction sites in Australia) is running a bargain exclusive to OzBargain — free fashion children watch, delivery included!
Linked watch is a children watch with Hello Kitty and green wrist band, but you can select pretty much any watch from seller “thecode”.
- Register an account at BidMate.
- Click on “Buy Out” on the watch!
- You will get a notification that you have purchased the item, and you just need to wait for the offer message.
- Seller will ask you via message whether you have got any promotion code — just reply with OZBW01.
Viola! Free children watch. Great for your own kid, or as a gift for family members or friends. Offer expires 27 March 2007, or when no watch is left.