Daily Deals Catch A Thon #7 Today!

scotty on 17/07/2007 at 12:26 pm, filed under Daily Deals

Daily Deals‘s Catch A Thon number 7 is on Today! It has been a month since their last one, and it was promised to be the biggest ever (which sort of makes sense as they accumulate more and more deals so each time it just gets bigger).

Catch A Thon #7

And the website speed pretty much proves how big this Catch A Thon is. It is only 15 minutes pass twelve, and Daily Deals’ website is already crawling. While I was going to write something about some personal picks but I guess I simply can’t this time as one whole page took more than 3 minutes to load.

Fortunately we have got QQQ from Catch of the Day doing a “CotD TV” showing some of the highlights at this month’s Catch A Thon.

Btw, it is nice to match names with faces — I have been “talking” to a lot of merchants and web site owners since running this blog but it is nice to actually see some name you know actually talking on a video. However, a video-cast from oz bargain blog? Hmmm. Maybe not :)

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