Crazy Shopper? Try Crazy Refund

scotty on 11/04/2007 at 10:07 pm, filed under Website

Crazy Refund front page I have just read ProBargainHunter’s review on Crazy Refund, one latest start-up that gives affiliation sale commission back to the customers. But this is with a twist — you get full refund the purchase price, only if you are the “lucky winner”. For example, according to this table, one out of 40 shoppers at can get the full refund (2.5%), but one out of every 3 shoppers at Mr. Ink Man can get the full refund (33%). But then, if you have my luck, you will never get a cashback on this one…

I initially thought only Australian will set up a cashback site like Crazy Refund, as we Aussies are so much into gambling. Just take a look at how many “auction” sites we have in Australia that work on unique highest bids (which by the way, is not a bargain). Instead, the Yanks took the lead and offered this crazy cashback service to all the crazy shoppers across the Pacific.

Still, with the amount of karma I have, I think I better stick with MoneyBackCo who always gives back 100% commission from affiliated sales.


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