5 Things You Didn’t Know about Me

scotty on 03/01/2007 at 11:38 pm, filed under Bargain Blog

Yan tagged me with the recent Internet craze that was started by Jeff Pulver about a month ago. I have actually been tagged before, and has written 5 things people probably didn’t know about me. However it was on my other blog (which is web hosting related, btw).

So I guess I will need to come up with 5 other things people didn’t know about me, and will hopefully be about personal finance/bargains/shopping/etc.

  1. I never really “worked”, i.e. in a job getting regular paypacket, until I was 21, when I had my first full-time programming gig. Shame on me.
  2. One of my biggest financial mistake was spending $20k of my own money on a brand new car. I was 23. Should have spent $7-8k on a second hand car and saved the rest.
  3. Bought our current house at the peak of the Sydney property boom (Oct-Nov 2003). Another big mistake :(
  4. I spend around $15 on mobile phone every 6 month. Not that I am on a super cheap mega-saving plan, but I just don’t use my phone that often.
  5. I am fascinated by a lot of good bargains, but I actually don’t do much shopping. I think I have worked out my “need” vs “want”, and I seldom buy the things I talked about here. You didn’t know that, did you? :)

Alright. Here comes the fun part — tagging the victims :) I’ll tag the Aussies, and will be bargain related. Jonks of Jonks Bargain, someone from the Zazz team, Raja from Save as u Spend and The Bargain Queen.


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