10% Off ImportPlaza with InTheBlack Coupon

scotty on 13/08/2006 at 9:12 pm, filed under Coupon, Website

Homepage of ImportPlaza My wife Vivian is a CPA. For those who ain’t that good at TLA’s, that’s “Certified Public Accountant” (btw, TLA=Three Letter Acronym). However she is not doing any accounting related at the moment. The only thing that reminded us her CPA-ship is her monthly subscription to the InTheBlack magazine, which I occasionally randomly scan through.

In the August issue it has an advertisement of this trade company ImportPlaza, which looks like an importer of gadgets and game/gamble related accessories (poker chip for example). It has lots of MP3/MP4 players, DVD players, GPS receivers and model cars on-sale.

Moreover, it gives 10% discount to InTheBlack subscribers when you quote their promo code when you order. The promo-code/coupon is:


I haven’t ordered anything from them so can’t verify. On its homepage it does say:

We welcome all INTHEBLACK subscribers.

If you order through our secure shop, you shall receive your discount via a ‘cash back’ cheque.

Also not sure whether you really need to be an InTheBlack subscriber to use the coupon code. Well, give it a try if you find anything fancies you there.

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