I Had It Enough

scotty on 26/02/2008 at 9:44 pm, filed under OzBargain

Okay. Enough is enough. I have spent 15-30 minutes today fixing up issues that shouldn’t had been there in the first place. Why do people keep on registering an user account on OzBargain, thinking that they are actually registering an account on the merchant’s site?! Ain’t that big OzBargain at the top-left corner obvious enough?! I have been getting requests (6 since this morning) such as this:

  • “Hi, I have create an account here but I can’t seem to login <some reward website> with computer generated password?”
    Because you are trying to log into merchant’s website using OzBargain’s username + password!!! Of course that does not work.

  • “Hi, I want to take advantage of your 30 day free offer and then pay for 12 month service — but can I pay by cheque?”
    Sure, please send your cheque to OzBargain Media and address to Scott. Oh by the way, which service are you after?

  • “Hi, can I add another card for my elderly mother using the same emaul (sic) address?”
    Hmmm. Sure. Cheque please?

  • “Sorry please cancel my account and my subscription at OzBargain. I think I registered at the wrong website.”
    At least this guy is cluey AFTER creating an account here

I actually have to reply all these emails from people thinking we are the actual merchant/service provider, and I counted I must have a dozen account cancellation request over the last few days — because they thought they have registered at the merchant’s site! I had it enough…

So for now I am putting up a notice when you Register an account at OzBargain:

Important Information at user registration page

It states:

Note that this community does not sell products or services. If you arrived here via search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc) looking for a specific product or deal, Welcome! However you might need to visit the merchant’s actual website for the product or service.

Let’s see whether it is effective. Rant over.


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