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Ozpete reminded me that “not all bargains are on the Internet”. Indeed. I am not a shopping mall kind of person, but everytime I visit one I know where the bargains are — where crowds of bargain hunters digging into shelves of marked down items. Oops. That scene does not have an URL attached to it so I can’t share on OzBargain…
But now you can!!!
Oh well, provided that you also happen to bring along a camera (or your camera phone). I have written in details how to do it in the forums, but basically:
- Snap a shot of crowded shopping centre and 50% off sign of your favrourite shop.
- Upload it to OzBargain.
- Write a sentence or two about it, and post!
It also applies to those coupons PDF you receive from emails. Now you can upload them yourselves without sending them to me. Time to hunt some bargains at the local mall now, don’t you think?
By the way, there is only 9 more days to go to submit deals to participate in the current OzBargain competition, where you can win $50 and $20 Deals Direct shopping vouchers. Keep your entries coming!