$5 Off Voucher from Spotlight

scotty on 01/12/2006 at 9:48 am, filed under Uncategorized

$5 off Spotlight voucher Thanks to Peter G who forwarded me this $5 off Spotlight voucher (PDF download, 216k).

There are a few conditions:

  • Only applies to Spotlight VIP Club members.
  • Only applies to purchase $25 or more.
  • Only one voucher per customer.
  • Valid between 30 November and 10 December

This applies to all items (including all sale items) except custom made furnishing, gift vouchers, etc. You even get a chance to partake in $20,000 cash draw.

Not sure what does it mean to be a Spotlight VIP Club member, so I asked my wife and she said “we already have VIP membership”. Oh well, she shopped there, and I don’t. Apparently she is going there later this week so this $5 voucher is a blessing. Thanks Peter!

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