Status Down: 8 February 2012

scotty on 08/02/2012 at 7:56 am, filed under OzBargain

Got up this morning seeing that OzBargain was DOWN, returning 502 Gateway Error message — usually when the backend PHP FastCGI processes were borked. According to the bandwidth graph the site dropped dead at around 1AM this morning:

Went in to restart the PHP processes (where kill -9 was required). That brought the site up for 15 minutes before it died again.

Anyway. According to our webhosting provider Crucial Paradigm (where OzBargain runs on a single 4GB instance of Linux Cloud server), that they were having some issues with maintenance last night. It’s still on their hands now and at the moment we (OzBargain) can’t do anything about it.

Will update this space when there’s a solution.

Update 9:40AM AEST: Server just gets rebooted. There might still have some issues but the site is running for now.

Update 10:15AM AEST: I think everything should be operational now. We are manually sending out the daily newsletter that missed its 7AM run.

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