This Week in OzBargain June 8-13

neil on 13/06/2013 at 5:15 pm, filed under OzBargain


Popular (Not Expired) Deals of the Week




Free Four Season Sample Pack (Condoms)

Posted June 12  tag Health & Beauty


[Origin/360/PS3] Battlefield 3: Close Quarters DLC – Free

Posted June 11  tag Gaming Expiry Expires June 16



See more popular deals ->


Hot Topics


Vote for your favourite charity

After many suggestions on charities for OzBargain to donate to, we have culled the number down to 12. Vote for your favourite charity before June 16. We will be donating $13,430 to the top 3 charities.

The real cost of cheap clothes

Last Sunday, 60 minutes aired a segment about cheap clothing manufacturing in Bangladesh. In the aftermath of the garment factory collapse in Bangladesh, there is now more focus on where cheap clothes are manufactured. As more cheap clothing deals are being posted on OzBargain, should users be asking more questions?

Free Food and Drinks

See more forum posts ->



Inside OzBargain


OzBargain is broken at the moment, and the backend will be restarted very very soon.

We have been experiencing a lot of issues with our database server. The database which is on a shared VPS is too busy to take requests from the web server. We are liaising with the hosting company to solve the issue.

Quick Stats

In the month of May, we had 1,527 reports from users. In May of 2012, we had 1,104. This represents a 28% increase in reports. It’s good that users are utilizing the report link. On the other hand, it seems there is still further automation that can be accomplished.

UI changes , Google +, Front Page Deal email

There were some tweaks to the UI this week. Forum (in forum posts) and Category (in deal posts) are now in secondary level menu in “active” state, and related product category tags are also added to the secondary level (for example “Game Console” in PS4 posts).

We are posting hot deals to Google+ through an automated process. Unfortunately, as there is no direct API, we have been using a 3rd party tool which hasn’t been picking up proper formatting or images.

Lastly, we will shortly be rolling out a feature which will notify users by email when a deal reaches the front page.


Picture of the Week


We had 2 new car deals hit the front page this week for a first in OzBargain history. First, the Fiat 500 for $14,000 and then a Mitsubishi Mirage for $12K.  Seems like new cars are becoming more affordable.


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